
I am he, the Truth, who hate that iniquity be wrought in the kosmos


Uploaded a bunch of revisions and corrections to the version of Crowley's Liber Samekh on Scribd.  Mainly this means that the text of the "Stele of Jeu the Hieroglyphist" (the Graeco-Egyptian ritual of exorcism which was turned, via various layers of translation, paraphrase, mis-copying and creative mangling, into Samekh), has been re-set in Greek Unicode, many typos in my previous transcript fixed and a few notes on the text added.

As alluded to in my previous post, it turns out that digital photographs of the whole of London Papyrus 46 a.k.a. PGM V can be found on the British Library website; based on these images I have expanded my notes on the text, added a more accurate rendition of the "beneficial sign" & decided that I no longer agree entirely with either Preisendanz's or Goodwin's transcriptions.

[Header image taken from photographs of London Papyrus 46 fol. 2 ro., source as link above.]

This is it, which the Angels have issued a DMCA strike on

To be clear, the post title is hyperbole and I *haven't* been issued with a DMCA strike in connection with the images of the BL microfilms of Sloane 3191 that I posted on the CP Scribd page a decade ago; I deleted them voluntarily as they are now entirely redundant.

I recently discovered, initially while working on improvements to my re-set of Crowley's "Liber Samekh," that high-quality digital photographs of selected items from the British Library's manuscript collection are now viewable online (bl.uk/manuscripts).  In addition to London Papyrus 46, a.k.a PGM V, this includes the whole of Sloane MSS. 3188 (Dee's early spirit diaries) and 3191 (the digests, containing the Angelic Keys, De Heptarchia Mystica, Liber Scientiæ Auxilii & victoriæ terrestris and the book of supplications and invocations) are now viewable, and these are far superior quality to those digitised microfilms; so now you only have Dee's scrawl and 400+ years of deterioration to the manuscripts to worry about.

EDIT: the addition of Sloane MS 3188 was apparently relatively recent (September last year), per this BL blog post.  The pseudo-Dee "Rosie Crucian Secrets" (Harley MS. 6485) has apparently been up since 2015 or earlier.


Quod est inferius, est sicut quod est superius.

Missed this when I last posted an update of the Mead Hermetica, but turns out that in 2018 Cambridge University Press published Hermetica II, represented as a continuation of Brian Copenhaver's 1992 (many reprints) translation of the Corpus Hermeticum and Asclepius.

This comprises annotated translations of the 29 Hermetic excerpts and fragments from the anthology of Stobæus that were in tom. iii & iv of Nock & Festugière's 1946-54 edition of the texts, as well as the "Vienna fragments" mentioned by Copenhaver, fragments of Hermetic texts from a papyrus at Oxford discovered in 1991 and multiple brief quotations and references by writers of late antiquity, as well as citations from early mediæval Arabic writers, and the famous Emerald Tablet.

Litwa, M, David: Hermetica II: the Excerpts of Stobaeus, Papyrus Fragments, and Ancient Testimonies in an English Translation with Notes and an Introduction.  Cambridge University Press, 2018.

Unfortunately this has yet to see the kind of accessible paperback reprint that Copenhaver got; the print edition lists for over £70 new.