
We're older than you thought . . .

Or rather, some hack writer got a little sloppy in their bibliography. Every so often, generally when feeling in need of an ego-boost, I feed the name "Celephaïs Press" into Google. Today this turned up Mushrooms, Myth and Mithras: The Drug Cult that Civilised Europe, a note to whose final chapter cites Two Essays on the Worship of Priapus, apparently published "London: Celephaïs Press, 1865."

The notes to Basarab Nicolescu's From Modernity to Cosmodernity: Science, Spirituality, and Culutre (SUNY, 2014) at least correctly identify the CP edition of Hinton's Scientific Romances (second series) as a 2008 reissue of a work first published 1896 by Swann Sonnenschien of London, though does not seem to be aware that it only exists as an online edition.

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