Uploaded a slight fix to Albert Pike's
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite to Scribd (dealt with a layout problem in the 3° lecture). This is one of a small selection of works of Masonic interest issued by Celephaïs Press / Unspeakable Press (Leng). While there are already many e-texts of this work on the Internet (contrary to the more idiotic statements of some of Pike's critics, the contents of this book were
never a "secret" of the Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction 32°, as the Preface makes clear), this one (a) reproduces page layout, all illustrations and text in exotic fonts and (b) includes the Index, a later but valuable addition, originally sold as a book in its own right before being bound up in later printings of
Morals and Dogma.
The other Masonic works issued are:
Manual of Freemasonry by Richard Carlile. Early 19th-century English exposure.
The Craft Degrees Handbooks by J.S.M. Ward. Short esotericist commentaries on the English craft degrees (early 20th century); originally published as
The Entered Apprentice's Handbook,
The Fellow-Craft's Handbook and
The Master Mason's Book.
The Lost Key by Prentiss Tucker. Early 20th-century esotericist commentary on an American working of the Craft degrees.
Lectures of the Antient and Primitive Rite, translated and compiled by John Yarker (comprises
Lectures of a Chapter, Senate and Council and
Masonic Charges and Lectures).
"The Antient and Primitive Rite" from Jeremiah How's
Freemason's Manual; a short and uncritical account of this fringe "high-grade" system.