
Just in case . . .

. . . you came here from somewhere else, the Geocities site can be reached here while it still exists.

Of course, migrating CP will be the easy bit. The tricky bit will be deciding what to do about the Nu Isis Working Group.


Welcome to the new home of CP

As soon as I get the hang of using this service, this blog will be what passes for the homepage of Celephaïs Press and Unspeakable Press (Leng), since Geocities is closing down in a few months. If I ever manage to stay off Guild Wars for long enough to complete any more e-texts, details and links to download or read online will be posted here. Also expect to see occasional ramblings, rants and if I'm feeling really bored some of the pages of tedious scholia on Forlong, Massey, Inman and others which I left out when web-publishing their books.

You have been warned.

In the meantime, most of the catalogue can be viewed at Scribd.com